
Akanksha Samar
3 min readMay 29, 2020


SEO term as search engine optimization. It’s is a process of commitment, dedication, resources and continuous revisions to ensure about producing the top notch results on specific search engines like Google, Yahoo, bing, MSN, etc.

Why handle your company’s website seo to expert professionals?

Handing over seo to team of experts, can promise to enhance your business to reach at greater heights.

They up to date with latest trends and techniques required for growing your brand value by turn into leads and conversions.

They drive proper researched results to your brand.

How seo agency can help to your brand and what are their tactics?

  1. Create brand awareness
  2. Give maximum visibility and traffic to your online website.
  3. Improves the ranking of a website.
  4. Can become ultimate source of generating leads.
  5. Not only enough leads but also convert those leads into conversions and sales.
  6. Optimize your website by using variety of seo tools.
  7. Enhances the organic traffic for your website.
  8. Improves mobo friendliness and speed.
  9. Optimize the back links.
  10. Target local searches by their landing pages and listings.

How to find out which agency is fit to hire for seo services of your brand?

  1. The brand must be goal oriented and result accomplished.
  2. Research before the tactics and techniques they used like campaigning.
  3. Look after your budget, if it is in your budget, after find out the relevant company for your seo.
  4. Meet the behind experts in person to get a feel that they are either a virtual experts or real brand.
  5. Available 24*7 for your any problem they are your ultimate survivors as they ensure before.
  6. Are they seo guarantees. Check their serp i.e search engine result page whether they are on first desired page of google search.

What is inside SEO?

Brand visibility can be functional by either Organic or paid advertising through the term pay per click. Organic traffic is the traffic generated by what peoples are searching on search engines. It need a well researched way to propagate through organic traffic. While on the other hand paid traffic is available at the top of search engine rankings, it is above the organic traffics. Company who’s scoring organic traffic more by generic use of keyword are considered as a well sustainable websites. But to fight the over competition paid ad also plays a vital role of company’s growth and traffic.

Seo can be divided into two approaches online and inline. Online is obtain by seo method while inline is to optimize the website and increase the website visibility by customize html code, functional on different platforms and languages like php, asp, python, coldfusion, flash, etc.

One more term offline marketing is also there which is also improve by the online seo. For example your physical approach is now more sustained and visible to a global canvas. People can reach you out more often through search engine.

There are two type of seo.

  • White hat seo
  • Black hat seo

While searching for seo branded company. You need to take care of if it comes under white hat seo. This helps you to ensure the minimum risk of being penalize or dropped or removed or deleted from search engines. Search engines reduces the organic traffics or over eliminate their entire database.

Content is the most important factor for white hat seo. You stay your thumb upon in safe side by creating relevant content to your target audience. It should be easily searched by the search engine spider rather then tricking its algorithm from its original purpose. For creating content it should be important to find out the right keywords used in the content which helps to improve website ranking.

We’re providing different types of SEO, according to what your brand needs:

  • Technical seo
  • Content seo
  • Onpage and offpage seo
  • Local seo
  • Mobo seo/ mobile friendly seo



Akanksha Samar

Content Strategist | Word Writer | ☔Vivid-Depth-Contrast Speller🌌 | Love for Data 📊 | Artist 🎨 | Nature Lover 🌾| Clinical Thinker 🤓